Bright, bold,
custom prints
just press & peel

Print on anything - tote bags, socks, t-shirts, and more

Permanent, long lasting

More durable than vinyl transfers or screen printing

Stretches with the fabric

Won’t peel off or crack, wash after wash

Print white on dark fabrics

Get your FREE sample pack
"Your logo goes here" printed using DTF transfer onto a bright yellow hat
Tote bag in a wine cellar that says "It's wine o clock"
Man holding out his shirt that is printed with The Goods logo
White socks with cute eyes DTF pressed onto them
Man with a white long sleeve shirt and Flowstate logo in the middle
Black t-shirt with green printed smiley face on it
"Your logo goes here" printed using DTF transfer onto a bright yellow hatTote bag in a wine cellar that says "It's wine o clock"Man holding out his shirt that is printed with The Goods logoWhite socks with cute eyes DTF pressed onto themMan with a white long sleeve shirt and Flowstate logo in the middleBlack t-shirt with green printed smiley face on it

we print, you press

Say hello to easy, perfect prints

Lasts longer than vinyl transfer, prints brighter than pigment, is more affordable than screen printing.

Direct-to-film (DTF) is a process that prints onto high-quality films, ready to be transferred onto any fabric, in any colour - all you need is a heat press!

It’s as easy as press & peel

No cracking, no fading,
no Expensive setup fees

Forget about:




Expensive setup fees

Long turnaround times

Enjoy this instead:

Perfect prints

Long lasting

Super soft

Ultra durable

Stretches with the fabric

Print white on dark fabrics

Vibrant & neon colours

24-48 hour turnaround

Super fast

24-48 hour turnaround

Super fast

24-48 hour turnaround

Super fast

24-48 hour turnaround

Super fast

24-48 hour turnaround

Just $25 per gang-sheet. Min 2 sheets.

Any designs. Any colours.

Start your order now

Outshine your competition with neon colours, FAST TURNAROUNDS AND AMAZING DURABILITY

Neon pink cloud surrounded by the words "good vibes only"

Neon pink

Neon orange car

Neon orange

Neon yellow banana dancing

Neon yellow

Neon green car

Neon green

What can you fit on a gang sheet?

Each gang sheet is 55cm x 100cm

You can fill your gang sheet with as many designs in as many colours and sizes as you like!

Vector artwork
Fluro colours
Small text
Large text
Start your order now

100 cm

55 cm

Heat press with a t-shirt and smiley face DTF transfer on it

“We can’t believe the quality! The process was insanely simple, and the finished shirts look killer good.”

Flowstate had 30 staff shirts made in less than 3 days with Press & Peel.

Hand peeling green smiley face DTF print off black t-shirt

Just $25 per gang-sheet. Min 2 sheets.

Any designs. Any colours.

Start your order now

The process is simple

You order

Upload your  gang-sheet designs or create one using our online tool. Select how many you want, checkout, and you're ready to rock.

We ship

Speed is our middle name. Once your order is placed, we waste no time. We get to work, sending your films out the door within 24-48 hours.

You press

Use your heat press to transfer your designs onto any fabric, in any colour.
155 degrees and 10 seconds later, all you have to do is peel.

You peel

Fresh off the press, just wait a few sections until your film has slightly cooled, then peel in one swift, quick motion.

Ready to Transform Your Printing With Fast, Affordable, and Durable Options?

Start your order now

Shirt customisation

Man holding out his shirt that is printed with The Goods logo

Custom tote-bag

Tote bag in a wine cellar that says "It's wine o clock"

Branded bucket hats

Bright neon citrus colour bucket hat with DTF transfer printed on it

Logos on garments

White pants with a custom logo printed on it

Have questions? we have answers

Read our FAQ